Admissions & TUITION Information
The Mustard Seed, Inc. will adhere to the following process for admitting and enrolling new clients.
1. A Potential Client Inquiry Form must be submitted by a family member or guardian of the potential client to The Mustard Seed. During this inquiry phase, the family has an opportunity to get a general overview of The Mustard Seed’s program while conveying general information about the potential client to The Mustard Seed.
2. A visit to The Mustard Seed’s campus will be arranged for the family and potential client. This visit gives The Mustard Seed a chance to meet the potential client and for the family to get a more in-depth view of the program. These tours are set up for the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM. Your tour must be scheduled in advance through our Executive Director.
3. Upon completing the tour and visit, an Application for Admission to The Mustard Seed will be given to the family or guardian to complete in full and return to The Mustard Seed. This application must be received and reviewed by The Mustard Seed before moving forward with the Admission Process.
4. After reviewing the Application for Admission, The Mustard Seed will set up several half and full day visits for the potential client to spend in the day program. These visits will be at the discretion of the staff and will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for both The Mustard Seed and the family of the potential client.
5. If it appears that the potential client can thrive through the program and available resources of The Mustard Seed, the process will either move forward with enrollment, or if there is currently no availability, the potential client will be placed into a waiting pool of applicants.
6. Given that space is available, the enrollment process will begin. An additional Enrollment Package will be given to the family to be completed in full and returned to The Mustard Seed. Once this is returned, The Mustard Seed will set up a meeting to finish the admission process, to include reviewing the Client Handbook, meeting with the Operations Director to establish a working business relationship, and answering any last questions for the family. At the end of this meeting, the start date will be set for the new Seedster to begin the program.
- We are a loving, Christian community for active adults with developmental disabilities.
- We do not accept State or Federal funding (Medicaid/Medicare). Scroll further down the page to see our Program Fees.
- Families are responsible for ALL medical care.
- Seedsters participate in a creative Ceramics Program and enjoy a range of recreational, social, and cultural activities supervised by staff both on and off campus.
- To encourage family time for both Seedsters and staff, The Mustard Seed observes the following holidays: Good Friday through the following Monday, Memorial Day (including the weekend before and the Tuesday after), Thursday through Sunday at Thanksgiving, and two weeks at Christmas. During these times, there are no activities on campus, and our group homes are closed.

The Mustard Seed is a private 501(c)(3) and does not accept State or Federal funding (Medicaid/Medicare).
Fees for services generate approximately ¼ of the annual operating budget. The remaining ¾ of the operating revenue is generated through tax deductible contributions, donations, and proceeds from Gift Shop sales.
Full-Time Resident Single Room
$2,010.00.00 per month
Full-Time Resident Double Room
$1,632.00 per month
Day Program (5 days per week)
$700.00 per month
Day Program (4 days per week)
$639.00 per month
Day Program (3 days per week)
$541.00 per month
Day Program (2 days per week)
$414.00 per month
Day Program (1 day per week)
$215.00 per month
NOTE: Fridays are reserved for those Seedsters currently enrolled in two or more days per week.
The Mustard seed does not allow Seedsters to exchange or “make up” missed days due to an illness, personal matter, or Mustard Seed Closing.
In order to foster and maintain the family bond between the residents/clients and their families, The Mustard Seed closes for short periods of time during the year.
We believe that one of the best ways to prevent The Mustard Seed from developing an “institutional” feel is to maintain a close companionship and partnership with the families of our clients.
Family time is essential to the well-being of our Seedsters! Family members are encouraged to come and visit on a regular basis and take their Seedster home for a weekend trip to visit family and friends.
We have found that most behavioral challenges are soon relieved when Seedsters are able to spend time with family. Perhaps it is the nature of our unique partnership with families that sets The Mustard Seed apart from other programs and residences for adults with developmental disabilities.
General group home and day program closings fall around the following holidays:
- Good Friday through Easter Monday
- Memorial Day (Staff Development on the following Tuesday)
- Labor Day (day program only)
- Independence Day (day program only)
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas and New Year’s
1 Day per Week
$16.50 per month
2 Day per Week
$33.00 per month
3 Day per Week
$49.50 per month
4 Day per Week
$66.00 per month
5 Day per Week
$82.50 per month
Early drop-off begins at 7:00am and late pick-up ends at 6:00pm (5:00pm on Fridays). Registration for early drop off / late pickup is based on the number of days a Seedster needs these services, not the number of days a Seedster is enrolled in The Mustard Seed’s Day Program.
Morning Drop-off Locations
Mondays: Ceramics Workshop
Tuesdays: Ceramics Workshop
Wednesdays: Ceramics Workshop
Thursdays: Ceramics Workshop
Fridays: Respective Group Homes
Afternoon Pickup Locations
Mondays: Activity Center or Respective Group Homes
Tuesdays: Ceramics Workshop
Wednesdays: Ceramics Workshop
Thursdays: Ceramics Workshop
Fridays (by 5pm): Respective Group Homes
No meals are provided. Should the Early Drop-Off and Late Pick-Up service become misused, The Mustard Seed reserves the right to terminate enrollment in The Mustard Seed’s Day Program. *Day Program Clients that are dropped off before 8:20am and picked up after 4:30pm are subject to a late fee of $1.00/minute.
Seedsters must sign a one-year contract in order to be enrolled in our after-hours program. All enrollments must be approved in advance by the Executive Director and are contingent upon space. Contracts will be distributed every fourth quarter and must be received by December 1st to be effective on January 1st of the following year. If a Seedster withdraws from our after-care program prior to the one-year agreement, the Seedster will be responsible for an early termination fee of $100.00 (those enrolled 1-2 days per week) / $200.00 (those enrolled 3-5 days per week).
***One-time Early Drop Off / Late Pickup
$50.00 per day
***We recognize that there may be times when a family is in need of a one-time early drop off or late pickup for their Seedster. In the event of this need, there will be a one-time fee of $50.00 and services will be contingent upon space, staffing, and our schedule for that day. Should you need this one-time service, you must make your request no less than 72 hours in advance in order to give our staff enough time to communicate with one another and make any necessary accommodations. Please note that we can in no way guarantee that every request will be approved.
Extra-curricular programs such as (but not limited to) Bells of Faith, Hoops Basketball, Challenger League Softball and Top Soccer may require additional expense. Information on these programs will be provided to the families. It will be the responsibility of the family to complete required registration forms and pay applicable fees to respective organizations.
$40.00 per day for Mondays-Thursdays / $50.00 per Friday
In some cases, your Seedster may be allowed to come an extra day; however, this arrangement must be approved in advance by both the Program Director and Executive Director and is contingent upon both space and scheduled activities for that day.
In the event a Seedster becomes sick and unable to attend the Day Program or Group Home activities or if the Seedster is contagious, family will be required to pick up the Seedster from The Mustard Seed’s campus. The Seedster may return when he/she has been free of fever and/or symptoms for a minimum of 48 hours and are deemed well enough to return to the group home and regular activities. It will be at the discretion of the Executive Director if the Seedster is able to return to regular Mustard Seed activities, and in some cases, a doctor’s note may be required. Families may be subject to a fee should an additional staff be called to care for a Seedster while the family is en route to The Mustard Seed.
$35 for first hour / $30 for each additional hour or part thereof
We ask that all families do their best to respect employee work hours. Should communication be necessary Mondays-Fridays between 8:30am-4:30pm, we ask that you call the office at 601-992-3556 to be directed to the appropriate staff on duty. Should you need to communicate with an employee who is off campus or off work, we suggest emailing that staff member or talking with another staff member on duty. Communication with Group Home Parents should be kept between the hours of 4:30pm-8:30am from Sunday nights through Friday mornings. Should after-hours communication become an issue, a fee may be incurred at the rate of $30.00 for the first hour or part thereof and $25.00 per additional hour or part thereof.
$35 for first hour / $30 for each additional hour or part thereof
Off campus transportation for an individual is normally the responsibility of the family of the individual client. However, at the request from a family and with 72 hours’ notice, transportation may be provided by a staff member of The Mustard Seed if arrangements can be made. These trips may include medical-related visits, transportation to the airport or other places of public transportation, and other requests as deemed necessary by the families and staff. There will be a fee of $35.00 for the first hour or part thereof and a fee of $30.00 per additional hour or part thereof. This fee covers transportation costs and employee time; however, this fee does not cover parking fees, meals, or other additional expenses that may be incurred during these times. Any additional expenses will be the responsibility of the Seedster’s family and due the same month in which the expenses were incurred.
Payment of fees for all programs via bank draft is preferred. Recurring credit card payments are also available; however, a Credit Card Transaction Fee of 3% will be added to each payment. Paperwork for setting up bank drafting and recurring credit card payments is available in your Enrollment Packet or may be obtained from the Director of Operations. All fees are expected to be paid no later than the 15th of each month for that current month’s services. Payments received after the 15th of the month are subject to a late fee of $25.00.
The family will be notified if payment is late or missing for a month. If payments are not received for two consecutive months, the client will not be allowed to return until the fees for the prior two months are paid in full. Additionally, The Mustard Seed reserves the right to require advance payments for multiple months or hold several post-dated checks on file if payments are missed or are erratic on a regular basis.
By accepting payment after the due date of any client fees and/or expenses, The Mustard Seed shall not be deemed to waive its right to require prompt payment when due of all future client fees and/or expenses. No course of dealing or conduct shall be effective to amend, modify, release, or change any provisions of these policies.
Should The Mustard Seed, Inc. request a Seedster to withdraw for a period of time because of medical or behavioral reasons, the Seedster may be given a 100% discount on a monthly basis until The Mustard Seed determines that the Seedster will be permitted back into the program. Each scenario will be re-evaluated on a monthly basis.
$50.00 per night (24 hour period)
This service is offered to current Day Program clients and is available in 24-hour increments from the time dropped off until the time picked up. Respite care arrangements must be worked out with the Executive Director and will be contingent upon available space and impact on group home dynamics. PLEASE NOTE: In the event that either of our group homes are at capacity, availability for respite care will be limited, as space is rarely available when we have no vacancies.
With our Ridgeland Transportation services, families have the opportunity to drop their Seedster off at The Mustard Seed’s Ridgeland location located at 115 N. Wheatley Street in Ridgeland from 8:25-8:30am and pick them back up between 4:25-4:30pm. Should a Seedster miss the van transporting from Ridgeland to Flowood, the Seedster’s family will be responsible for transporting their Seedster to The Mustard Seed’s Flowood campus. Failure to pick up your Seedster by 4:35pm may result in termination from the Ridgeland Transportation Program.
Seedsters must sign a one-year contract in order to be enrolled in our transportation program. All enrollments must be approved in advance by the Executive Director and are contingent upon space. Contracts will be distributed every fourth quarter and must be received by January 1st of the following year. If a Seedster withdraws from our transportation program prior to the one-year agreement, the Seedster will be responsible for an early termination fee of $100.00 (1-2 days/week) / $200.00 (3-5 days/week).
Registration for the transportation program is based on the number of days a Seedster needs transportation, not the number of days a Seedster is enrolled in The Mustard Seed’s Day Program.
Seedsters needing Transportation 1 Day per Week
$28.00 per Month
Seedsters needing Transportation 2 Day per Week
$56.00 per Month
Seedsters needing Transportation 3 Day per Week
$84.00 per Month
Seedsters needing Transportation 4 Day per Week
$112.00 per Month
Seedsters needing Transportation 5 Day per Week
$140.00 per Month
***One-time Transportation Fee
$50.00 per day
***We recognize that there may be times when a family is in need of a one-time transportation service for their Seedster. In the event of this need, there will be a one-time fee of $50.00 and will be contingent upon space as well as our schedule for that day. Should you need this one-time service, you must make your request no less than 72 business-hours in advance in order to give our staff enough time to communicate with one another and make any necessary accommodations. Please note that we can in no way guarantee that every request will be approved.
1085 Luckney Road
Brandon, MS 39047
PHONE 601-992-3556 (ext.1)
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Second Saturdays 10am-3pm
115 N. Wheatley Street
Ridgeland, MS 39157
PHONE 601-992-3556 (ext.2)
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
First Saturdays 10am-3pm